By Archer Hume
Blue Rock Lake Fishing Guide
An artificial lake popular for fishing, regularly stocked with trout and Australian Bass.
Thu Sep 05 by: Archer Hume
Ah Youngs Campsite is a riverside camping area that provides direct access to prime fishing spots on the Buckland River.
Source: www.grumpygreynomads.com
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Ah Youngs Campsite is a popular destination for anglers looking to spend extended time fishing the Buckland River. The campsite offers easy access to various fishing spots along the river, including both fast-flowing sections and deeper pools. The surrounding bushland provides a scenic backdrop for fishing activities. Campers can enjoy both day and night fishing opportunities, with the chance to target different species throughout the day. It’s advisable to bring a variety of lures and baits to adapt to changing conditions and fish behavior.
The Buckland River is a picturesque waterway located in Victoria, Australia. Known for its clear waters and scenic surroundings, it offers excellent opportunities for fishing and outdoor recreation. Anglers can expect to find a variety of freshwater species, making it a popular destination for both local and visiting fishing enthusiasts.
You can find more information about Buckland River in our Buckland River region guide post.
When it comes to fishing at Ah Youngs Campsite, your choice of bait or lure can greatly impact your success. Based on the preferred fishing methods for the species found here, at Ah Youngs Campsite you can find success with nearly anything, as both baits and lures are equally effective.
For the best chances of success, try using Shrimp as bait or fishing with a Blades. Remember to always check local regulations and adjust your fishing strategy based on the specific conditions and seasons at Ah Youngs Campsite.
For those who prefer bait fishing, here are the top 5 options that have consistently produced results at Ah Youngs Campsite:
For artificial lure enthusiasts, here are the 5 most effective options that have been proven to work wonders at Ah Youngs Campsite:
When fishing at Ah Youngs Campsite, you're likely to reel in:
Source: hookedupmagazine.com.au
The Australian Bass is a popular freshwater sport fish native to coastal rivers and streams in eastern Australia. Known for its fighting spirit and delicious flesh, it's a prized catch for many anglers.
To catch Australian Bass in Victoria, focus on structure-rich areas in rivers and impoundments. Early mornings and evenings are often the most productive times. Casting near fallen timber, rocky outcrops, or overhanging vegetation can be effective. Both lure and bait fishing work well. When using lures, try a slow retrieve with occasional pauses to entice strikes. For bait fishing, use light tackle and small hooks. In estuaries during their winter migration, fishing with soft plastics or live baits can be successful.
To learn more about catching Australian Bass, read more here.Source: www.addicttackle.com.au
Estuary perch is a close relative of Australian bass, found in coastal estuaries and lower reaches of rivers in southeastern Australia. It's known for its similar appearance to Australian bass.
To catch estuary perch in Victoria, focus on estuaries and the lower reaches of coastal rivers. Use light to medium spinning gear with 4-8 lb line. Cast lures such as soft plastics, hard-bodied lures, or small surface lures around structure like jetties, rock walls, or submerged vegetation. For bait fishing, use live baits like prawns or small fish on a light running sinker rig. Dawn and dusk are often productive times for targeting estuary perch.
To learn more about catching Estuary Perch, read more here.If you're lucky, you might also encounter:
Source: www.nativefish.asn.au
Redfin, also known as English perch, is an introduced species in Victoria's freshwater systems. It's a popular target for anglers but considered a pest due to its impact on native fish populations.
Redfin can be caught using a variety of methods in Victoria. Bait fishing with worms, yabbies, or small fish is effective, especially when fishing near structure or drop-offs. Lure fishing is also popular, with soft plastics, small hard-bodied lures, and spinners all proving successful. When lure fishing, try retrieving with short, sharp movements to trigger the Redfin’s predatory instincts. Fishing from boats can be particularly effective, allowing anglers to target deeper water and cover more ground. In warmer months, focus on early mornings or evenings when Redfin are most active.
To learn more about catching Redfin, read more here.Ah Youngs Campsite is situated in the beautiful Buckland River region. This area is known for its diverse aquatic ecosystem and offers excellent fishing opportunities for both beginners and experienced anglers. The region's unique geography and climate contribute to the rich variety of fish species found in its waters, making it a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts throughout the year.
Ah Youngs Campsite offers a diverse range of fishing opportunities. The primary fish species you can target include australian bass and estuary perch. Additionally, redfin are also commonly found in the area. Each of these species offers a unique fishing experience, whether you're a beginner or an experienced angler. Remember to check local regulations and seasons for each species before your fishing trip.
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