By Archer Hume
Albacore Tuna
Albacore tuna is a popular game fish and commercial species known for its high-quality meat and fighting ability.
Explore the diverse fish species found in Melbourne's waters. From popular game fish to unique local varieties, discover the rich aquatic life that makes fishing in Melbourne so exciting.
Albacore Tuna
Albacore tuna is a popular game fish and commercial species known for its high-quality meat and fighting ability.
Small, silvery schooling fish commonly used as bait. Members of the Engraulidae family.
Australian Bass
The Australian Bass is a popular freshwater sport fish native to coastal rivers and streams in eastern Australia. Known for its fighting spirit and delicious flesh, it's a prized catch for many anglers.
Australian Grayling
The Australian grayling is a protected freshwater fish species native to south-eastern Australia, including Victoria.
Australian Herring (Tommy Rough)
The Australian herring, also known as Tommy rough, is a popular recreational fish species found in Victorian waters. It's often confused with juvenile Australian salmon but has distinct characteristics.
Australian Salmon
The Australian Salmon is a popular sportfish found in Victorian waters. Known for its fighting spirit, it's a favorite among local anglers.
Barracouta, also known as snoek, is a long, slender predatory fish found in southern Australian waters. It's known for its sharp teeth and aggressive feeding behavior.
Big Eye Tuna
Deep-dwelling tuna species with large eyes, found in tropical and temperate waters off Victoria.
Black Cod
The Black cod (Epinephelus daemelii) is a protected species found in Australian waters. It is a large, dark-colored grouper known for its long lifespan and slow growth rate.
Black Sea Urchin
Black sea urchins (Centrostephanus rodgersii) are echinoderms with long spines and a dark brown to black coloration.
Blacklip Abalone
Blacklip abalone is a marine mollusk found in Victorian waters, prized for its meat and shell.
Boarfish are deep-water fish belonging to the Pentacerotidae family. They are known for their distinctive body shape and deep, laterally compressed bodies.
Bream (All Species)
Bream are popular estuary fish found in Victorian waters, known for their fighting spirit and delicious flesh.
Brown Galaxias
The Brown galaxias (Galaxias fucus) is a protected freshwater fish species native to Victoria, Australia. It is illegal to take or possess this species.
Brown Trout
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a popular freshwater game fish in Victoria, known for its fighting spirit and delicious taste.
Burrowing Shrimp
Burrowing shrimp are small crustaceans that live in burrows in sandy or muddy substrates. They are popular as bait for fishing larger species.
Chinook Salmon
Chinook salmon, also known as king salmon, is the largest species of Pacific salmon. They are prized for their size and flavor, making them popular among anglers and food enthusiasts.
Crabs (All Species Except European Green Shore Crabs)
Crabs are crustaceans found in various marine environments in Victoria. They are popular for recreational fishing and consumption.
Cuttlefish are cephalopods known for their unique internal shell (cuttlebone) and exceptional camouflage abilities. They're sought after by both anglers and divers in Victorian waters.
Dusky Flathead
The Dusky flathead is a popular fish species in Victoria, known for its distinctive flat body shape and ambush predator behavior.
Dwarf Galaxias
The Dwarf galaxias (Galaxiella pusilla) is a tiny, protected freshwater fish species native to Victoria, Australia. It is illegal to take or possess this species.
Eastern Blue Groper
The Eastern Blue Groper (Achoerodus viridis) is a large, protected reef fish found in Australian waters.
Elephant Fish
The Elephant Fish, also known as Ghost Shark, is a unique cartilaginous fish found in Victorian waters. It's characterized by its distinctive trunk-like snout and silvery-grey coloration.
Estuary Perch
Estuary perch is a close relative of Australian bass, found in coastal estuaries and lower reaches of rivers in southeastern Australia. It's known for its similar appearance to Australian bass.
European Carp
European carp is a freshwater fish species considered noxious in Victoria, Australia. Known for its adaptability and hardiness, it has become a prevalent invasive species in many waterways.
Flathead Gudgeon
The Flathead gudgeon is a small, bottom-dwelling freshwater fish native to Australia. It is commonly found in rivers, streams, and lakes throughout Victoria.
Flathead are bottom-dwelling predatory fish known for their distinctive flat head and body shape. They are popular among recreational anglers in Victoria for their tasty flesh and sporting qualities.
Flounder are flat, bottom-dwelling fish found in Victorian waters. They're known for their unique appearance with both eyes on one side of their body.
Freshwater Catfish
The Freshwater catfish (Tandanus tandanus) is a native Australian fish species with unique fishing regulations in Victoria. It's known for its whisker-like barbels and smooth, scaleless skin.
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater shrimp (Paratya australiensis) is a small crustacean native to Australian waterways, often used as fishing bait.
Garfish are slender, elongated fish with distinctive long, needle-like beaks. They are found in coastal waters and are popular among anglers for their tasty flesh.
Gemfish is a deep-water species found in southern Australian waters. It's known for its firm, white flesh and is popular in commercial fisheries.
Glenelg Spiny Freshwater Crayfish
The Glenelg spiny freshwater crayfish (Euastacus bispinosus) is a protected species found in southern flowing streams and rivers in western Victoria.
Goatfish, belonging to the family Mullidae, are bottom-dwelling marine fish known for their distinctive pair of barbels on the chin used for sensing prey.
Golden Perch
The Golden perch, also known as yellowbelly, is a popular freshwater fish found in Victorian waters. It's known for its golden-bronze coloration and is a prized catch for many anglers.
Greynurse Shark
The greynurse shark, also known as the sand tiger shark, is a protected species in Victorian waters.
Guitarfish are a unique group of cartilaginous fish that resemble a cross between sharks and rays, with a flattened head and body transitioning to a shark-like tail.
Gummy Shark
The Gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) is a species of houndshark found in southern Australian waters. Known for its firm, white flesh, it's a popular target for both commercial and recreational fishers.
Gurnard are bottom-dwelling fish known for their distinctive 'wings' and grunting sounds. They are found in coastal waters around Victoria and are popular for their firm, white flesh.
Hardy Head
Hardy heads are small, silvery fish belonging to the Atherinidae family. They are common in coastal waters and estuaries of Victoria.
King George Whiting
King George whiting is a popular and delicious fish found in Victorian waters. It's known for its light, flaky white flesh and is highly sought after by recreational anglers.
Leatherjackets are a family of marine fish found in Victorian waters, known for their rough, leathery skin and unique body shape.
Ling (Genypterus spp.) is a bottom-dwelling fish found in Victorian waters. Known for its elongated body and eel-like appearance, Ling is a popular target for both recreational and commercial fishers.
Long-Finned Eel
The long-finned eel is a snake-like fish found in Victorian freshwater systems, known for its distinctive long dorsal fin.
Longfin Pike
The Longfin Pike is a predatory fish found in Victorian waters, known for its elongated body and sharp teeth.
Lotella (Southern Rock Cod)
Lotella, commonly known as Southern rock cod, is a genus of marine fish found in Victorian waters. They are bottom-dwelling fish with a distinctive barbel on their chin.
Luderick, also known as blackfish, is a popular coastal fish species found in Victorian waters. It's known for its dark coloration and herbivorous diet.
Mackerel are fast-swimming, streamlined fish found in coastal waters. They are known for their oily flesh and are popular among anglers and seafood enthusiasts.
Macquarie Perch
Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) is a protected freshwater fish species native to Victoria, Australia. It is currently the focus of conservation efforts due to its declining population.
Morwong is a family of marine fish found in Victorian waters, known for their firm, white flesh and mild flavor.
Mullet are a family of coastal fish found in Victorian waters. They are known for their silvery bodies, forked tails, and tendency to swim in schools.
Mulloway, also known as Jewfish, is a large, predatory fish found in Victorian coastal waters. Prized by anglers for its size and fighting ability, it's a popular target for both recreational and commercial fishing.
Murray Cod
Murray cod is Australia's largest freshwater fish species, known for its impressive size and powerful fighting ability.
Murray Spiny Crayfish
The Murray spiny freshwater crayfish (Euastacus armatus) is a large freshwater crustacean native to Victoria's rivers and streams. It is subject to strict fishing regulations to ensure its conservation.
Mussels (All Species Except Glenelg Freshwater Mussel)
Mussels are bivalve mollusks found in marine and freshwater environments. They are filter feeders that attach themselves to surfaces using strong byssal threads.
Octopuses are intelligent cephalopods with eight arms, known for their ability to change color and shape. They're prized for both recreational fishing and culinary use.
Other Molluscs
Various species of molluscs including snails, slugs, periwinkles, dogwhelks, chitons, and limpets. These are often found in intertidal zones and shallow waters.
Oysters (All Species)
Oysters are bivalve mollusks belonging to the Ostreidae family. They are filter feeders that play a crucial role in marine ecosystems and are valued for their culinary significance.
Small, oily schooling fish belonging to the Clupeidae family. Also known as sardines.
Pipis (Donax deltoides) are edible saltwater clams found in the intertidal zones of many Victorian beaches. They are popular for both recreational collection and as fishing bait.
Prawns are crustaceans of the Penaeidae family, commonly found in Victorian waters. They are popular for both recreational and commercial fishing.
Pseudophycis (Beardie)
Pseudophycis, commonly known as beardie, is a genus of marine fish found in Victorian waters. They are characterized by their elongated body and barbels on their chin.
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a popular freshwater game fish in Victoria, known for its colorful appearance and fighting spirit.
Rays are flat-bodied cartilaginous fish closely related to sharks, known for their distinctive wing-like pectoral fins and long, whip-like tails.
Redfin, also known as English perch, is an introduced species in Victoria's freshwater systems. It's a popular target for anglers but considered a pest due to its impact on native fish populations.
River Blackfish
The River blackfish is a freshwater fish native to south-eastern Australia, known for its dark coloration and elongated body.
The Roach is a freshwater fish species native to Europe and Asia, introduced to Australian waters. It's known for its adaptability and can be found in various water bodies across Victoria.
Rock Lobster
Rock lobsters are large, spiny crustaceans found in Victorian waters. They are prized for their meat and are subject to strict fishing regulations.
Sandworms And Marine Worms
Sandworms and marine worms are diverse polychaete species found in various marine habitats. They are primarily used as bait for fishing rather than being targeted catches.
Scallop (Pecten Fumatus)
Scallops are edible bivalve mollusks found in Victorian waters. They have a distinctive fan-shaped shell and are prized for their sweet, delicate flesh.
School Shark
The school shark, also known as snapper shark, is a species of houndshark found in Victorian waters. It's a popular target for recreational fishers and has specific fishing regulations.
Shark (Various Species)
Sharks are powerful, cartilaginous fish found in Victorian waters. They are apex predators with streamlined bodies and multiple rows of teeth.
Short-Finned Eel
The short-finned eel is a native species found in Victorian waterways, characterized by its shorter dorsal fin compared to its long-finned cousin.
Silver Perch
Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) is a freshwater fish native to Australia, known for its silvery appearance and importance in recreational fishing.
Skates are flat-bodied cartilaginous fish related to sharks, characterized by a flattened body and wing-like pectoral fins.
Skipjack Tuna
Skipjack tuna is a smaller tuna species known for its abundance and importance in the canned tuna industry.
Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) is a popular recreational fish in Victoria, known for its delicious flesh and fighting spirit.
The Snook is a fast-swimming predatory fish found in Victorian coastal waters, known for its elongated body and prominent lateral line.
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Large, powerful migratory fish prized for its high-quality meat. Found in southern waters of Victoria.
Spider Crab And Giant Spider Crab
Spider crabs and giant spider crabs are crustaceans belonging to the Family Majidae. They are found in Victorian waters and are subject to specific fishing regulations.
Spiny Freshwater Crayfish
Spiny freshwater crayfish are diverse crustaceans found in various river systems across Victoria. They are popular among recreational fishers and play a crucial role in freshwater ecosystems.
Squid (Including Calamari)
Squid are cephalopods known for their elongated bodies, eight arms, and two longer tentacles. They're popular for both fishing and culinary purposes.
Swimming Shrimp
Swimming shrimp are small crustaceans found in Victorian waters, often used as bait for fishing. They are subject to specific collection regulations.
Syngnathidae is a family of unique fish including seahorses, seadragons, and pipefish. They are protected species in Victoria, Australia.
Tailor (Skipjack)
Tailor, also known as skipjack, is a predatory fish found in coastal waters. Known for its aggressive feeding behavior and sharp teeth, it's a popular target for recreational anglers.
The Tench (Tinca tinca) is a freshwater fish species known for its adaptability and hardy nature. It's considered an introduced species in Victoria, Australia.
Tiger Trout
Tiger trout is a hybrid species created by crossing brown trout and brook trout. Known for its distinctive tiger-like stripes, it's a popular game fish in Victorian waters.
Toadfish, also known as puffers, are distinctive fish belonging to the family Tetraodontidae. They are known for their ability to inflate their bodies as a defense mechanism.
Trout Cod
Trout cod is a protected freshwater fish species native to Victoria, Australia. It is often confused with Murray cod but has distinct characteristics.
Two-Spine Blackfish (Gadopsis Bispinosus)
The Two-spine blackfish is a freshwater fish species closely related to the River blackfish, found in south-eastern Australia.
Warehou (Seriolella Spp.)
Warehou are schooling fish found in southern Australian waters, known for their sleek bodies and forked tails. They are popular among both commercial and recreational fishers due to their tasty flesh.
Western Blue Groper
The Western Blue Groper (Achoerodus gouldii) is a large, protected reef fish found in southern Australian waters.
White Sea Urchin
White sea urchins are echinoderms with a spherical body covered in short, solid spines. They vary in color from purple to green to white.
White Shark
The white shark, also known as the great white shark, is a large predatory fish protected in Victorian waters.
Wrasse (Parrot Fish)
Wrasse, also known as parrot fish, are colorful reef-dwelling fish belonging to the Labridae family. They are known for their strong jaws and teeth used for crushing shellfish.
Yabbies (Cherax spp.) are freshwater crayfish native to Australia. They are popular for both recreational fishing and as a food source.
Yellowfin Tuna
Fast-swimming, commercially important tuna species found in tropical and temperate waters around Victoria.
Yellowtail Kingfish
The Yellowtail kingfish is a powerful and highly prized game fish found in Victorian waters. Known for its strong fighting ability and excellent eating qualities, it's a popular target for both recreational and commercial fishers.
Yellowtail Scad
The Yellowtail scad is a small, streamlined fish found in coastal waters around Victoria. Known for its yellow tail and silver body, it's a popular target for both recreational and commercial fishers.